There was also a fire on our block due to an exploding trash can; interesting huh??? The trash truck dumped all his trash out when he realized that a trash can was on fire. Well that was a smelly mess. Smart trash truck driver though! :)
We also had our 1st neighborhood party; with our awesome new neighbors; that involved some quad races in the empty lot next to our house; tractor joy-riding to build some jumps (way too much fun)!!! :) Did you know tractor keys are universal? I didn't until they started it and drove around the corner with it. lol!!!! You had to of been there!
I also took this cute picture of Brenden; poor guy he fell on his scooter when he slipped on a puddle of water. :( Look at that face!!!
I am cracking up at jimmy's face in the first picture and jay lookes thrilled! O.K. i am going to pretend I know nothing about the tractor high jacking. So glad they are in school and you can have a little quiet time. I am doing a bible study on Thursday mornings from 9:15-11:30 called Mom to Mom if you are interested? Kerry is also doing it. jenn