Saturday, February 11, 2012

TRUST: Five Minute Friday on Saturday :)

WOW! Boy oh boy the word "Trust" has just been put into practice this past week!

My husband was laid off his job just a week and a half ago. He was offered another position within the same company if he wanted it, this would require us to move 8 hours away from all our family and friends.

We've done this before, and we've only been back a year. It was a lot of hard work to get our family back to Southern California (which we totally call home!)

The thought of moving our kids again was very hard. Through that rough time; this past week I got to watch God make something beautiful out of my family- I watched my husband lead our family and give it to God, praying earnestly that the right decision would be made.

I watched him- and my children pray and trust in God down to the last 30 minutes of the final decision.
Those prayers were music to my ears. The words "Bloom where you are Planted" were stuck in my head (thanks to Tiffany Thurston who spoke on this at the Becoming Girls conference just last month)- I knew that no matter where God would place us, that wherever that was, we were to do just that! I was prepared.

My husband was ready to fax in his acceptance offer to the company that would have us move- within 30 minutes of faxing it in we received an offer from another company that would enable us to stay here.

This is why we praise God, this is why we trust in Him, and now we get to bloom where He has planted us- BLOOM in the trust we have in Him, who listens and answers prayers-
even if we have to wait til the last minute!

Now it's your turn click here to participate, or just to read some beautiful entries based on one word.


  1. This was lovely. I so enjoy stories of people trusting God, even when they don't know what His next move is. It is something I have been learning a lot about lately. Reading other stories is so encouraging!

  2. Thank you. I loved loved loved yours! :)
